• ru
  • How to connect

    Android TV
    MacOS (Apple Silicon)

    This instruction is only valid for Mac computers with Apple Silicon processors. If you have a Mac with an Intel processor, use the instruction for Intel processors.

    1. Open the App Store, find and install the "Streisand" application, or follow this link: https://apps.apple.com/ru/app/streisand/id6450534064
      Streisand application in the App Store
      Streisand application in the App Store
    2. Launch the application:
      Streisand application interface
      Streisand application interface
    3. Copy the link to your VPN subscription to the clipboard.
      The subscription link is included in the email sent to you.
      Note: You don’t need to copy the subscription contents; only the link is required for import.
    4. Click the "+" button on the right and select "Paste from clipboard":
      Import subscription in the Streisand application
      Import subscription in the Streisand application
    5. Select the desired server and click the connection button at the top:
      Connect to VPN from the Streisand application
      Connect to VPN from the Streisand application
    6. On the first connection, you will need to grant the application permission to create a VPN connection:
      Permission request to create a VPN connection
      Permission request to create a VPN connection
    7. To check the VPN operation, you can open: https://www.whatismyip.com/
      IP address check after connecting to the Moldova server
      IP address check after connecting to the Moldova server
      Note: The best performance is achieved with a wired connection. Speed depends on the geographical distance from the VPN server, backbone network channels between checkpoints, current load on your ISP and VPN server channels, your internet plan, and other factors beyond external control.
      If the location is unstable, select another one for an optimal internet connection.
      Test results Moldova -> Netherlands
      Test results Moldova -> Netherlands: https://www.speedtest.net/result/16618694682
    MacOS (Intel CPU)